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Forbidden Boys Page 8
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Page 8
Ivora touches my shoulder. Despite this tender moment, I become momentarily distracted when I notice she doesn’t have a speck of dirt on her. It makes me wonder if it’s part of her fairy magic that keeps her so clean. Virtuous, Cordelia would call her.
“Well, I may have something that can cheer you up!” Ivora chimes, not noticing my absence.
“And what’s that?”
“A party!” She squeals in delight and spins. As she twirls, she rises in the air with arms outstretched.
“Um, what?” I’ve never been to a party. So many feelings threaten to overwhelm me: confusion, apprehension, excitement, embarrassment.
“It’s just what you need! A party will help take your mind off of everything, and maybe direct it to something else…” Her eyebrows wiggle up and down on her forehead. Ivora’s insinuating something, but I’m not sure what.
“And you’ll never guess who’s throwing it!” She continues without letting me answer. “Kashton! He’s such a dreamboat, though a little hard to figure out. I know you like him, you said as much. This would be the perfect way to distract yourself from those other three who shall remain nameless.” She flaps her hands as if casting them aside. After the grief they’ve given me, I’m grateful that she does this.
This may actually be in my favor. I don’t know if I agree with her about being romantically interested in Kashton, but he knows things I don’t. He’s more knowledgeable about the arts I haven’t mastered, like auras. I wonder what else he can teach me…? Maybe he’ll be able to help me get my power under control as well? And if he does that, I can impress the headmaster with my progress. I’ve tried tracking him down in the halls but haven’t been successful. I could go investigate for a little while. Maybe if I get Kashton alone I could…
No. I shake my head. That thinking is dangerous. Cordelia’s scoldings come to mind, and I completely dismiss the idea. Returning my attention to Ivora, I make my decision. “No, I don’t think so. You go on without me.” I give her a smile, hoping it will appease her. I can already tell it’s failed miserably.
“Oh, come on, Ebony! Please? I was thinking we could go for your birthday. You know, make an outing out of it! Your big day is tomorrow, and new experiences are the greatest gift, especially since I don’t really have a way to get you an actual gift. I don’t want to go if you won’t be there.” Ivora's wings droop in disappointment.
How can I say no to that? I sigh in resignation. “Ok, I guess we can go for a little while.” Ivora’s squeals of delight make me cover my ears. Nevertheless, I grin. A happy fairy is infectious. I get swept up in her enthusiasm, with us spending the rest of our free time planning our outfits and preparing.
There’s a lot of booze here. I mean a lot of booze. Given how dark it is, I feel it’s a dangerous mixture – who knows what could happen. I struggle to make out figures in the dark, but when I do, I’m shocked by the dance moves some of the students are favoring. They look intimate. Better kept behind closed doors than out in public; I’m thankful for the darkness. It makes hiding my embarrassment easier.
The energy here is pure seduction. Sex is in the air. Music is loud, clothes are minimal, and there are bodies everywhere. Touching, groping, writhing. I shudder. This isn’t exactly what I was picturing back up in my room.
“Well if it isn’t the slut and the fairy come to join the party.” I cringe at the harsh familiar voice. Dorian leans against the wall with a cup of amber liquid in one hand. He pins me with a steely glare. I try to take my gaze away from him, but everywhere I look there are half-naked figures greedily feeding off of one another. They’re hungry to touch. They demand more music, more booze. There’s no limits.
I feel a cup being forced into my hand; it’s filled with the same amber liquid. Dorian is grinning sadistically, “Take a sip, I’ve never known a whore who didn’t enjoy alcohol.” He laughs as I try to hand it back. “Tsk tsk, now don’t be rude.” Laughter erupts all around me as he pushes it to my lips.
“Cut it out!” Ivora growls, slapping the cup away. It flies a few feet, dumping its contents on the floor and on some unlucky dancers’ shoes.
“Oh, it’s just a bit of fun.” That voice. I take a better look in the shadows and see Gabriel. Of all people, it stings more that he finds this funny. I can’t explain why, but tears begin to burn my eyes.
“Nothing fun about forcing alcohol onto someone.” A new figure strides from the crowd. I’m relieved to see it’s Kashton. He holds his hand out, and I put mine in it. He raises it to his lips, then brushes his lips across my knuckles. “I’m glad you could make it, Ebony.” He glances past my shoulder, “And you too, Ivora. Thank you for convincing her to attend.”
Ivora smiles and winks at him. “It wasn’t an easy task, let me tell you. She’s stubborn!”
Kashton laughs, still holding my hand. “Hey, it’s really noisy over here, let’s go somewhere quieter.” He leads us through the crowd of party-goers. Everyone seems to be having a great time, but none of it is familiar to me. Are all parties like this?
We arrive at a quieter corner of the room. Kashton offers us a seat and drinks. I sniff at it. My caution makes him laugh. “It’s just punch, I swear.” I take a hesitant sip, surprised at its sweetness. I smile at him and express my thanks. Ivora drains hers in one gulp, licking her lips.
“It’s really no problem. I saw you in trouble over there. I couldn’t just stand by and let them treat you like that.” This is my chance to ask him everything whirling around inside my head. But as I open my mouth, he suddenly switches his attention to Ivora. Unsurprisingly, she’s delighted by the attention.
I’m struck at how quickly our conversation devolves into a one-on-one flirting fest. I try to butt in every once in a while, but it’s obvious Kashton has no interest in me. Irritation and frustration well up in my chest. My head starts feeling numb as anger heats my face. When they start making out in front of me, I lose my cool.
My half-filled glass of punch douses the flames of their desire long enough to get their attention. “Hello? I’m right here trying to talk to you! You’re being rude!” I’m furious with Kashton. Even more so with Ivora. What is she doing? She knows how badly I’ve been wanting to speak with Kashton. Yet she’s going to steal him away from me the one moment I finally have his attention? It’s unbelievable.
“Damn it Ebony, this is a party, not a classroom.” Kashton groans. He’s pissed off and dripping wet with punch. “I didn’t realize you were so vain and jealous.”
Those final words cause my simmering anger to boil over. My head goes fuzzy. The world starts to go out of focus, the power inside me building. I’m about to let it loose when absolute chaos breaks out.
The doors open with a crash. An army of teachers, including headmaster Leo and Professor Glaw, march in. My fury is immediately doused. Instead, pure fear encases my heart.
So much for trying to stay out of trouble.
I have to get out of here.
My heart is pounding so fast and light it’s like a rabbit’s. My blood is fizzing through my veins. I’m getting lightheaded. What the hell was I thinking?
I can’t get kicked out. I’ve been in so much trouble already. It seems all I do is get in trouble. I’m trying so hard to be good. It seems no matter what I do, everyone tells me I’m bad.
I’m starting to get frustrated with it. I’m growing up, I should be trusted with more responsibility and freedom. Instead, I keep getting told I’m too reckless to have it.
I don’t set out to be reckless. I truly don’t want to be bad. The problem is, good and bad are getting twisted up in me. I have a deep sense of anxiety whenever I get close to someone, especially Lucien or Seth. It feels so good. It feels natural.
All I want to do is fall into their arms and experience one of those transcendent, romantic moments I hear so much about.
And it feels right. Something about it feels like I’ve been waiting for this a long time and i
t’s the most natural thing in the world.
But the fear that creeps into my stomach when I’m near them, the heat that rises between us, it scares me. And it doesn’t seem to be the usual, cold feet, virgin type stuff I’ve read about in those beauty magazines.
It feels like doom. It feels like the whole world could split apart. Maybe it could—maybe that’s what love really is.
Danger. It’s all over us when we are close. When my hand touches theirs. When our bodies brush close. When they look into my eyes and then look longingly at my lips.
I’m tingling in all the wrong places just from thinking about it, and I blame this damn party.
I sneak through the shadows, and as I slip through the door, I think I just may make it. No one’s noticed me leaving, and the coast looks clear.
As I step forward on to the path, ready to run like hell, Glaw’s voice shatters the air.
“Where do you think you’re going, young lady?”
“Ah—home? Isn’t that where I should be going?”
“Certainly.” She takes a step towards me, eyes fierce even in the dim light. “But the question is, what are you doing away from home in the first place?”
“I, ah—well. I was just—”
“Don’t bother.” Glaw waves a hand. “Don’t even start. What are you doing in a place like that?”
“What? What do you mean, what kind of place?” I feel a little indignant. It’s just an innocent party, and she’s making it sound like an orgy.
“You know what I mean.” She glowers at me, standing over me with her dark, authoritative energy. How can someone who’s supposed to be an angel give off such bad vibes?
I hang my head, not able to take her unmasked gaze. “I am sorry.”
“That party is a hotbed of hormones and sexual frustration. I don’t know what you were thinking, going in there.”
“I’m sorry,” I say again, repeating myself like every kid in the universe does when they get dressed down.
“It’s so dangerous Ebony! I’m not just angry and disappointed, I’m scared for you.”
“Okay.” I look up at her again, trying to appreciate the fact that she cares about me.
“I mean it. This is serious. I’m trying to help you.” She shakes her head and steps away, anger eroding into terrible anxiety.
“This behavior is such a threat. I thought you knew better than this.”
I’m starting to get confused. What does she mean by threat? A threat to who? If it’s to me then surely, it’s up to me to manage. She seems to be referring to something much bigger.
“I don’t understand.”
“No. You wouldn’t. Honestly, Ebony, sometimes I think you are trying to bring her back. I can’t keep running around like this, watching out for you. I can’t be everywhere at once.”
I shake my head, thoughts swimming. Her? Who is Her? Should I know what she’s talking about?
The way she looks at me, intense and serious, just slightly biting her lip, is wigging me out. There is some sense of danger in her expression. I take a little step back.
Professor Glaw shakes her head and mutters to herself. I don’t catch it all, but it sounds like ‘maybe I should just do it.’
Do what?
“I’m sorry,” I say again.
Her eyes are hard, glinting. Her hair stirs, and I know power is wreathing around her. I step back again, but I can hear magic growing inside of me, too.
I’m not calling it. It just seems to rise in response to the threat of Professor Glaw. Rationally, I don’t want to think that she’s threatening me. The reality of her body language and expression tells me differently.
“Someone should have done it before you could threaten us this way.” She looks into the trees, trying not to look at me. She said the words loud enough, but were they even meant for me? I have no idea what she’s talking about.
“Please—can you explain? You know I’m a good girl. I work hard. Yes, I’ve gotten myself into a few situations, but nothing has happened. I can handle myself.”
“And that is exactly the problem!” Glaw turns back to me, making up the space between us in one stride. Power is just rippling off her, and now I’m in no doubt about my reaction—I’m terrified.
“Please! Please!” I scurry backward again, holding up my hands. Glaw keeps advancing.
“Everyone keeps holding me back… they don’t see the danger. If no one else is going to do it, it’s going to be me. I’ve always known it would be me. We can’t take any more risks,” she says.
Her eyes bore into mine, and the power I felt rising in me before starts to flow through my bones, trickling on my skin. I’m actually freaking out a bit now, not just because Glaw is attacking me, but because I might have to defend myself.
My powers are a bit wild. Things could go wrong. I don’t want her to hurt me—part of me still believes she really won’t—but I don’t want to hurt her, either.
I could also lose control and damage some property… if the spell manifested in the wrong way. Mainly when I’m emotionally triggered like this. My power is just surging inside me, and I know it’s taking me over.
“Please, I don’t know what you are talking about!” My voice is too strident. I can’t keep it in.
“Yes, you would say that.” Her fists crackle with power. “You keep saying that. It must be true because you keep getting into these risky situations. If you knew, you wouldn’t put yourself there at all. But something tells me you aren’t innocent. Not at all.”
I step back again, and now I can feel our powers pushing against each other. Glaw's eyes widen in surprise, and she doubles her efforts.
“We’re doomed if I don’t do this,” Glaw mutters. Her face settles into a steely resolve that frightens me more than her anger.
“What have we here?” A bright voice ringing with the sweetness of tiny bells interjects. A glittering energy field shatters the tension, and I can actually feel it falling away, like thin sheets of ice.
“Glaw, are you terrifying the poor students again? Honestly. Don’t you have anything better to do?” The bright voice chides.
“Always.” Glaw lets the growl slip out between her teeth.
“Now, now.” A beautiful older woman approaches us. “Don’t get angry at me, too. What are you going to do, send me to kitchen detail?”
As she steps closer to us, I take her in with a sense of awe. Her gown and skin are the most beautiful, pearlescent white. She glows. Even her hair is a shining, flawless ivory that matches the moon.
Glaw mutters something and looks at me with frustration, power dying down like flames over embers. The coals keep glowing, but the immediacy has dwindled.
“Go on now, Glaw.” The tall white lady smiles. “Go and attend to all that important business you just suggested.”
They stare at each other for a few seconds. Glaw huffs, turns and strides away.
The beautiful woman turns to face me. Her eyes are pale and glow with a friendly light. In her beautiful robes and flowing hair, she looks more like an angel than Glaw ever has.
I don’t know where I want to go. I just know that I want to go away. I can’t go back to Mother. My place with her was never home, I realize that now. I can’t believe I’d been living with that…creature for all these years. Sure she was my foster mother, but apparently, she was much worse than that. There’s no way Seth or Gabriel knew about that. There’s just no way.
Not that it matters. It’s not like they’re part of my life right now. They’ve never really been part of my life. Cordelia made sure of that. Now I know why. I don’t know what she and Glaw are up to but I know I want nothing to do with it.
I need to hide. Professor Glaw is after me. I make my way to the dungeons. The school’s a large place, but it’s not miles and miles of underground dungeons large. I feel like I’ve been walking for hours. There are so many doors. Hundreds of them and those are just the ones I can see in the dim
light. Who knows how many there really are?
None of them look alike, which is both a blessing and a curse. I approach a door that looks like it’s made of glass. I wipe away the dust with the sleeve of my dress, but it doesn’t do any good. I can’t make out anything through the murky glass.
This door has a knob. Most of the others hadn't. I give it a jiggle, but it doesn’t move. I suspect it’s not attached to a locking mechanism. What a cruel trick.
I press my face into the glass as if I can force myself to meld through it. The glass is cool against my cheek. A handful of spells flit through my mind. Any one of them could help me find my way out of here, but I can’t summon the energy. Something about the dungeon sucks the life out of me.
I peel myself away from the glass door and continue on. I pass door after door searching for handles. Finally, I spot one. A gleaming silver handle on a plain wooden door.
“Of course,” I murmur. The fog that fills the corridor of the never-ending dungeon muffles my voice in a way that makes my chest feel strange. It’s like I’m breathing through a burlap sack.
I have to get out.
As I dash toward the silver handle, I stumble. The world tilts on his access. Suddenly, I’m staring at three silver handles instead of just one.
“Focus,” I hiss. I can’t see my own hands. My voice is the only thing I have to keep me tethered to reality. I blink and shake my head. The dizziness goes away, but the three handles still remain. They aren’t all silver now. The one on the right is glimmering gold. The one of the left is black iron with a red gem where the lock would be. I reach out with a shaking hand and touch all three. They’re all real or as real as anything can be in a place like this.
One of them must lead somewhere helpful.
The gold one looks the most appealing. It’s the brightest, warmest thing in this dark underground place, so it must be some kind of trap. Every bright, warm thing in my life has been a trap. Why should this be any different?