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Forbidden Boys Page 6
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Page 6
“That’s difficult to visualize,” I admit.
“I know,” he nods. “The more you practice your magic, the more you’ll understand it. When you truly understand it, you can wield your aura like a weapon. It’s complicated and draining, but there’s nothing more effective.”
“What emotions does your aura link to right now?” I ask.
“I’ve controlled mine so that it never reflects my emotions outwardly,” Kashton says.
“How come?”
“You’re very inquisitive,” he grins.
My heart flutters behind my ribs.
“I hope you see that as a good thing.”
“I most certainly do. And, to answer your question, I keep my aura’s hidden so no one can ever use my feelings against me. Once people learn how to read auras, some give in to the temptation of using that knowledge to manipulate people. For example, if I feel afraid and someone can see that in my aura, they can figure out what my fear is and use it against me.”
“Someone would do that?”
“You haven’t been at this school long enough to know how far some people will go to mess with others. But you don’t have to worry about that. You seem like a sensible young lady.”
“You recall that I’m about to be called into the Headmaster’s office, right?” I joke.
“I actually had forgotten, yes,” Kashton chuckles. “I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce myself when I came in. You must think I’m rude.”
“Not after you took the time to explain all of that to me,” I say quickly.
“Allow me to introduce myself all the same.” Kashton extends his hand to me, palm up. I place my hand in his expecting a handshake. Instead, he leans down and presses his lips against the back of my hand. My senses overload and, without meaning to, I release another pulse of magic strong enough to make the stained-glass windows tremble.
“What the hell was that?” Lucien whirls around. He jabs a finger in my direction. “You better learn to get that under control before you bring down another building. I’d rather not experience that again in this lifetime.”
Lucien looks like he’s going to go off on a rant, but then he notices Kashton beside me.
“You!” Lucien snarls.
Gabriel and Seth give Kashton a strange look as well.
“Am I missing something?” I look between all of them. One could cut the tension with a knife. Clearly, there’s some sort of history here.
“I assisted a Professor in one of Lucien’s classes last year,” Kashton says with a pointed look at Lucien. “As you can imagine, there was some friction.”
“I can see that.” I glance between Lucien and Kashton. I feel torn. Up until this moment, Lucien was the only one to stir feelings within me. I thought that meant something, but now I feel something when I look at Kashton. It isn’t quite the same. When I look at Kashton, I don’t imagine what my limbs would feel like entangled with his. I imagine staying up all night with him talking about the secrets of magic and the universe.
“You made my life a living hell,” Lucien declares.
“Now, now. That’s a touch dramatic, don’t you think?” Kashton says dismissively.
“Haven’t you noticed? Lucien lives for drama,” Gabriel rolls his eyes. “The fact that we’re all standing here is proof enough.”
“Don’t start again,” I sigh. “It won’t help if everyone’s arguing when the headmaster calls us in. We’re all trying to avoid getting into trouble remember?”
“She’s got a point,” Seth agrees.
“Thank you,” I nod. “Every once in a while, I know what I’m talking about.”
“You don’t give yourself enough credit,” Kashton says.
On the opposite wall, beside another set of elaborately carved double doors, a glass orb mounted in the wall began to glow.
“What’s that?” I point.
“Oh, great,” Lucien sighs.
“It means the Headmaster is ready for you,” Kashton explains.
I suck in a shaky breath. Right now, my only concern is making sure this doesn’t get back to Cordelia. If she finds out about this, she’ll pull me out of school, and I’ll never be able to understand my magical surges. I know I’ll be polite and respectful, but I can’t say as much for the others. Especially Lucien.
I square my shoulders and try to look brave as I take the first steps toward the headmaster’s office.
Today is just one surprise after another. I expect the headmaster to be a balding or white-haired older man with a long beard and intimidating air. The intimidating demeanor is the only thing I get right. The headmaster can’t be more than twenty-five, and even that’s pushing it. How did one so young get chosen for the prestigious position of headmaster?
He looks like a ray of sunshine with tanned skin and a halo of golden hair. Even his eyes look gold in this light. I try not to stare. After all, I’m the one in trouble. I clasp my hands in front of me and keep my eyes trained on the ornate rug I stand on.
“These four are responsible for the destruction in the wing that was to be repaired,” Kashton explains.
“I know,” the headmaster says with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. He lets his hand rest on a glass orb. “Consider this my all-seeing eye.”
“Ah.” Kashton nods. “How could I forget. In that case, I’ll take my leave.”
Kashton and I lock eyes as he turns to leave.
“You saw everything through that little bauble?” Lucien waves a finger at the orb.
“That little bauble is older than your greatest grandfather and worth more than you’ll ever be,” the headmaster says smoothly. I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from laughing.
“I see you smiling over there, Ebony.”
I look up shocked.
“Yes, I know your name. I’m headmaster Leo. I’m disappointed that we have to meet under these circumstances.” His eyes are cold and expressionless. I squirm under his gaze.
“Nice to meet you.” I barely manage to choke out my words.
“So polite.” His smile is tight. “Unfortunately, that’s not going to make me go any easier on you. What were you thinking unleashing a wave of magic like that? I can’t even count how many people you put at risk. Or construction projects will be delayed. It’s going to cost the school a fortune to get everything back on track.”
“With all due respect, headmaster,” Seth tries to cut in. I could hug him for it, but I’m too afraid to move. Headmaster Leo doesn’t allow him to finish.
“If you want to pay due respect you will stay silent. I have plenty to say to the lot of you so wait your turn.” He fixes me with his penetrating stare. “I’ve never seen such an irresponsible, reckless act in all my years.”
I want to say that it couldn’t have been that many years but I hold my tongue.
“I’m sorry,” I say. “I didn’t mean to do it.”
“That’s precisely my point,” headmaster Leo snaps. “You’ve been here over six weeks now. You should have a handle on your magical outbursts by now. Clearly, you’re not applying yourself in your studies.”
“I’ve been trying my best,” I protest.
“That’s not good enough.” headmaster Leo tuts. “With the power you possess, you should be much farther along by now. It’s disheartening to see such natural ability to go waste.”
“She’s not wasting her abilities,” Gabriel snaps. I turn to look at him, wide-eyed.
“That’s not for you to decide,” headmaster Leo snaps. He doesn’t take his eyes off me. “Ms. Black, from what I’ve seen so far, you’re a good-natured person that never willingly causes trouble.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet. I haven’t finished. It’s only because of your character that I haven’t expelled you yet. One more toe out of line and I will throw you out of here without hesitation. I don’t just mean containing your magic, either. If I get the sense at any point that you aren’
t dedicating yourself one hundred percent to bettering your abilities, I won’t waste our resources on you.”
“Understood,” I whisper.
“This is ridiculous,” Gabriel scoffs.
“And you think I’m the one with the attitude,” Lucien chuckles.
“I wouldn’t open your mouth if I were you,” headmaster Leo warns Lucien before returning his attention to Gabriel. “What makes you think I won’t expel you right now?”
“That’s not my biggest concern at the moment,” Gabriel replies.
“Oh, really? Enlighten me.”
“Any educator worth his salt would be doing everything to encourage Ebony to flourish under their tutelage. Instead, your idea of inspiring her is threatening expulsion if she doesn’t miraculously improve.”
“When you’re headmaster of your own school you can make those kinds of decisions,” headmaster Leo smirks. “In my experience, this is what gets results.”
“In your experience? That can’t be more than three weeks.” Gabriel shoots back. I press my lips shut to suppress a gasp.
“Tread carefully, Gabriel,” headmaster Leo warns. He turns his attention back to me and prepares to speak again. I brace myself for another round of scolding. Gabriel can’t let it go.
“We were brought in for brawling, and you haven’t mentioned that yet. Lucien has a broken wrist. Seth has cracked ribs. The only damage done during this incident was caused by me, Seth, and Lucien. No one else was injured, yet you continue to attack Ebony.”
“I’m not attacking her,” headmaster Leo chuckles. “I simply need to ensure that Ms. Black understands the danger she poses to our community. I don’t need to justify my actions to you.”
“Yet you’re still attempting to. Oddly, it's me who is being blatantly disrespectful, challenging your authority and questioning your methods but all that still isn’t enough to distract you from Ebony,” Gabriel observes.
Even though headmaster Leo is arguing with Gabriel, his entire body is pivoted towards me. Gabriel might have a point. Headmaster Leo seems set on blaming me for everything that happened. I decide it’ll be easier if I just admit fault so we can move on. Maybe I can spare Seth and Gabriel from punishment. Lucien, as alluring as he is, could do with some discipline, but at this point, I just want everyone to get out of here without getting expelled.
“It’s my fault,” I pipe up. Gabriel and Seth look at me with confused expressions. Lucien looks amused as if I just took his queen in a game of chess. Does he take nothing seriously?
“I promise to work harder to control my magic,” I say to headmaster Leo. Headmaster Leo doesn’t look appeased.
“A promise means very little to me, Ebony,” He says stiffly.
“You’ve got to be joking,” Gabriel snorts. “Honestly, it’s a miracle you’re in this position at all. So many others would be a better fit.”
So much for taking the blame and getting us out of here. I sigh and take a step away from headmaster Leo to watch the spectacle unfold.
“Good try,” Lucien murmurs. I shrug and say nothing.
“Are you proposing something, Gabriel?” headmaster Leo asks.
Seth and Lucien look back and forth between the pair. Seth’s expression is one of concern while Lucien looks like he’s about to burst into laughter and start taking bets. Lucien notices me staring at him and gives me a wink. I give him a stern look and shake my head ever so slightly.
“Perhaps someone should do something about that ego of yours,” Gabriel sneers.
“What’s he doing?” I lean past Lucien to whisper to Seth. He looks at me. From his expression, I can tell he’s as surprised as I am.
Gabriel extends his hands, palms up. Magic swirls in the air around him.
I can’t let this happen. Headmaster Leo may be young, but he’s still the headmaster. He couldn't have come this far by being talentless. Gabriel is just a student, he doesn’t stand a chance.
“Gabriel, you can’t be serious.” I step in between them.
“I’m not going to let him bully you like this.” Gabriel sets his jaw. I know that look. Even with our limited contact throughout our childhood, I still knew that look meant he wasn’t going to back down. I can’t help but smile as my heart overflows with sisterly affection. For the first time, he feels like a brother rather than just someone my age who lives in the same house as I do.
“Everyone out,” headmaster Leo snarls.
“I don’t think so,” Seth steps up. Even Lucien looks prepared to stand with Gabriel, though I’m not sure if that’s out of a sense of honor or because he has authority issues. Probably the latter but I appreciate the gesture anyway.
“Leave.” The headmaster’s voice is different this time. It sends chills down my spine and makes me want to cower and hide. Black energy appears around him like a second skin. It’s his aura.
Fear freezes my blood and stops all logical thought. I can think of nothing else but my desire to run away. Headmaster Leo’s black aura swells again, and I’m hit with another tidal wave of fear. My hands shake uncontrollably. My legs are as wobbly as a newborn fawn’s.
“Ebony?” It’s Seth’s voice, soft and reassuring, but I take no comfort in it.
Kashton opens the door to the headmaster’s office with a concerned expression that quickly shifts when he sees the dark aura surrounding headmaster Leo. I see the open door. Before I know what I’m doing, I run.
“Ebony?” I can’t tell who’s calling after me, but I’m not about to stop. Kashton’s blocking the doorway. He catches me by the shoulders. He searches my expression as I fight to get by him.
“The fear will pass,” he assures me before releasing my shoulders. I bolt. I hear footfalls behind me. Lucien and Seth have been removed from the headmaster’s office. The double doors close with Gabriel and Kashton on the inside.
I run out of the foyer, through the school and out to the dormitories without looking back. The fear doesn’t subside until I’m back in my room with the door shut and bolted.
I can see Leo’s anger simmering down like a pot taken off the boil. As Ebony leaves the room, it’s like literally watching the flames die down, and the bubbling heat turns smooth again.
Pride is known for its unreasonable anger. Everyone knows, don’t poke the prideful. Right now, I just wish I didn’t have to deal with the rise and fall of another’s emotions. No one seems to be caring about mine.
“So, shall we jump right in on the important topic?” Leo sounds impatient like he’s been waiting for some time with urgent words to speak.
“Yeah.” Kashton agrees. “Ebony. And how it’s going. I’d say, not bad, really.”
“I agree.” Leo frowns, crossing his arms. “But it could be moving faster. She’s blooming, that’s for sure. How do we push her over?”
“How do we push her over?”
“We’re doing well, I think.” I cut in with a no-nonsense tone. “But I think we are paying more attention to the lead up to the kiss than the kiss itself.”
“How do you mean?” Lucien frowns at me. “We are trying to weaken her resolve so we can push her to kiss one of us. I think it’s going well. She’s tempted.”
“Tempted isn’t good enough.” Leo sounds exasperated. “I’m getting sick of waiting. I think she’s ready. We just have to make it happen.”
“It should be me.” I cross my arms and step forward a little. Now Leo and I both have our heads high and our chests out, like a pair of drakes trying to impress a lady duck.
Leo only smiles, but Kashton and Leo can’t hold in their laughter.
“Are you serious?” Leo laughs, “She hates you, man!”
“Yeah, seriously.” Kashton shakes his head. “That was just a stupid comment. Obviously, you care more about your personal desires than the plan. It would never happen—in fact, if you give it a go, I guarantee she’ll retreat. We’ll have to start all over again.”
“Not if we use Lucien
or Seth.” Leo cuts in, very sure of himself. “With them, it’s happening very organically. She wants them. It’s perfect. We don’t even have to do anything. She’ll just kiss them.”
There’s silence as we all look at each other.
“Not soon enough,” Leo growls. “Just not fast enough! She’s strong. You all know how strong she is. Her ancient instincts are warning her. No. I’d feel much better if we could push the situation somehow.”
I feel completely ignored and overlooked. It makes me utterly furious.
“Look, I think you’re looking at this all wrong.” It’s my personal desire to kiss her, of course, but I try to hide that and sound reasonable. “She doesn’t hate me.”
Leo smiles, raising an eyebrow, but Kashton and Leo burst out laughing like a couple of hyenas.
“Do you pick up much, with that attitude?” Kashton has tears in his eyes.
“Right! You’re so good at reading the signs you must have them hanging off you!”
“No, no wait. I got it. It’s the ‘treat em mean’ thing, isn’t it? You think if you make her hate you, she’ll come running!”
“Newsflash dickhead—women hate that shit!”
Leo and Kashton guffaw loudly, even holding each other’s arms and slapping a high five.
My anger is rising so hot I think I can sympathize with Wrath. Are they serious?
“If you need some advice,” I hiss at Kashton angrily, “You could try getting close to her instead of dicking around.”
Kashton shrugs. “A kiss is a kiss. Sure, we all want to be the one, but the main part of the plan is getting it done. Once Ebony remembers everything will change.”
I step closer to him, trying to settle my own anger and not doing very well at it.
“We have agreed that it should be one of us. We are the ones who want to make it happen—okay sure, she’s attracted to Lucien and Seth. She wants to kiss them, clearly. But they will resist her. We could be waiting forever. I’m telling you. We need to make it happen.”